Journaling For Self-Care
Aging Artfully
Aging Artfully Introduction

Aging Artfully Introduction

Expressive Art, Self-Care, and Navigating Life's Unspoken Challenges

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Transcript (unedited):

Angie Clay [00:00:02]:

Hi. Welcome to Aging Artfully. My name is Angela Clay, and I am the fine founder and the host behind this podcast. I wanted to come on a little bit and talk about why I decided to create this podcast. And one of the things is we're all aging. From the time we leave the womb I mean, time of conception, right, we're aging. And so sometimes people wait to have this dialogue until they start seeing the gray hair and feeling a little stiffness in the joints and, putting the magazine further and further and further away from your eyes until you decide that, you know what? I need readers, or transitioning to bifocals. Right? So sometimes we just wait to have that discussion until we see actual changes happening within our bodies.

Angie Clay [00:00:45]:

But a lot of things that we now may look at as we get older, we wish we could have changed when we were younger. And so this is just a podcast that is a heartfelt and inspiring space that is, full of the multifaceted journey of aging with grace and doing it in an artfully in an artful way. Is that a word? I'm not sure, but, hey, it's 2024. We can make up things. So and I like to do it around the arts, and I find that, using expressive arts, journaling, collaging, painting, performing. Those types of things helps us to stay in a nice state of flow. It helps us to continue to, create and to keep our minds youthful and moving ahead. And as we delve into some of the unspoken things about growing older from challenges of caring, for aging parents, maybe children who are, not able to care for themselves on their own and still need to stick around.

Angie Clay [00:01:47]:

So those types of things. Also working against battling burnout. A lot of times, we take on things. And as you get wiser, more people come and wanna sit at your feet. And you also have a person, if you're like myself, you don't wanna turn these folks away. You continue to plow through your being tired and you maybe sometimes putting your self care on the burner to help someone else to move past whatever they're dealing with. So each episode we'll have we'll talk about things from practical advice, shared stories, uplifting conversations that helps us to reclaim our time, nurture meaningful relationships, and embrace the changes in your life with a positive vibe. The very first episode you'll listen to after this, we're talking about microaggressions about women and their hair.

Angie Clay [00:02:39]:

And I really wanted to start off with this conversation because it was something that was really messing with my self care and my inner gain. And as you continue to, do the waltz of life with me by attending, any of my meetups or coming in to listen to my podcast. You'll see that I am really trying to put away that old feeling of building Rome, and they shall come. I am more about exploring where I am in my life. The things that are helping me to move, gracefully through, just things as life tumbles me around. Sometimes gently, sometimes not so gently. How I'm keeping up my agent in an artful and really awesome vibe y style. How am I doing that? What are some things that plagues me and sometimes pull me back from my, my real flow, my happiness? And sometimes it comes up with just my day to day and my dealings with my hair.

Angie Clay [00:03:38]:

So I wanted to have this dialogue about microaggression and black women in their hair. The next episode will definitely be something probably different, but it's just the things that's happening for me and there's other women that are possibly going through the same situations that I'm going through. And if you wanted to know more about black hair and does that bother a person when they ask, then this episode, the next episode, you would wanna tap into. Not all episodes could be created for everyone, but it is what's happening in my life at this time as I'm aging artfully. And I wanted to share some of those frustrations and triumphs and some of the things that are on my mind. So I wanted to welcome you to, Agent R4 Lee podcast. I really hope that we'll be able to sway and chill and rock back and forth in our proverbial rocking chair, like I just say from down south and sipping our sweet tea, while we, watch the life passes by in a very gentle way. So through laughter, tears, and heartfelt stories, we'll discover how to live fully and artfully in making every moment count.

Angie Clay [00:04:46]:

So welcome to agent artfully. My name is Angie Clay, and I am glad to know you and get to hang out with you and do life together. Alright. You take care. Bye.

Journaling For Self-Care
Aging Artfully
Discovering a world where caring for an aging parent, reigniting forgotten dreams, and entrepreneurial spirit intertwine with expressive arts and journaling, all shared with style and grace.